Help us Grow!
It takes a community to build the foundation!
Help us spread the word of FEED Cooperative! Despite all the fancy apps and doodads we have, word of mouth remains the BEST way to help local businesses thrive. We love seeing you share photos of your FEED Bin spread and the beautiful meals you prepare with those local ingredients, so share on and tag away! If you need some inspiration, feel free to use all or some of the following verbiage:
Support California’s first ever farmer-owned food hub by ordering their multi-farm produce box! Subscribe weekly or biweekly, or order as needed! Plus add on all sorts of locally made goods like ferments, coffee, and pasture raised meats and eggs. FEED Cooperative is building a more resilient food system, one order at a time. Join me in making sure our small, local, regenerative farms have the support they need to continue FEEDing us for generations to come. Learn more at www.feedsonoma.com.
Got other ideas!? If you want to get creative in helping us grow our FEED Bin program,
please reach out to Kelsey at kelsey@feedsonoma.com.